Raylib Bubbles
C++11 Raylib bubble shooter game.
GameHUD Member List

This is the complete list of members for GameHUD, including all inherited members.

GameHUD(const PlacedBoard::BoardDims &boardDims) (defined in GameHUD)GameHUD
getArrow() constGameHUDinline
getArrowHeight() constGameHUDinline
getArrowWidth() constGameHUDinline
getHeld() const (defined in GameHUD)GameHUDinline
getHeldBubbles() const (defined in GameHUD)GameHUDinline
heldSize() const (defined in GameHUD)GameHUDinline
setHeldBubble(const size_t index, const size_t hue) (defined in GameHUD)GameHUD
shiftInHeldBubbles(const size_t hue) (defined in GameHUD)GameHUD
updateArrowDirection(const float offsetRad)GameHUD
updateHUDPosition(const float offsetX, const float offsetY)GameHUD
~GameHUD() (defined in GameHUD)GameHUD