Raylib Bubbles
C++11 Raylib bubble shooter game.
GameWindow Member List

This is the complete list of members for GameWindow, including all inherited members.

beginDrawing() (defined in GameWindow)GameWindowinline
countBackgroundImages() constGameWindowinline
countBubbleTextures() constGameWindowinline
drawBoard(const PlacedBoard &boardData)GameWindow
drawBubble(const float x, const float y, const float radius, const size_t hue)GameWindow
drawHUD(const GameHUD &hud) (defined in GameWindow)GameWindow
drawText(const std::string &text, const float x, const float y, const float scale=1.0f, const Color &color=WHITE)GameWindow
endDrawing() (defined in GameWindow)GameWindowinline
getFPS() const (defined in GameWindow)GameWindowinline
getFrameDeltaRatio() constGameWindowinline
getHeight() const (defined in GameWindow)GameWindowinline
getWidth() const (defined in GameWindow)GameWindowinline
HandledKeys enum name (defined in GameWindow)GameWindow
inputHold(const HandledKeys key) const (defined in GameWindow)GameWindowinline
inputOnce(const HandledKeys key) const (defined in GameWindow)GameWindowinline
loadBackground(const size_t index)GameWindow
shouldClose() const (defined in GameWindow)GameWindowinline
time() const (defined in GameWindow)GameWindowinline